Intent to Build Notice
If you are adding on to your existing home, building a deck, adding a shed your property, please complete an Intent to Build Form. You may print one off, complete and turn into the Town Office OR stop into the office to complete one. There is no fee.
Plumbing Permits
Interior Plumbing Permits: please provide 3 signed copies at the time of submitting applications to the Town Office for Code Enforcement/Plumbing Inspector Charlie Worcester’s approval.
Note: fees are indicated on the application as $10.00 per fixture
Click here for a copy of the plumbing application.
Septic System Design Permits
The Town Office may have septic designs on file. We would need your property's Map and Lot # in order located the design in our files. If the Town does not have a copy, you can check the State website.
Please provide 3 signed copies at the time of submitting applications to the Town Office for Code Enforcement/Plumbing Inspector Charlie Worcester’s approval along with the required fees:
New System = $265.00
Replacement System or Replacement Failure System = $250.00
Replacement System Using Existing Tank = $150.00
Replacement Tank = $150.00
Replacement System Variance = $270
Click here for a list of local site evaluators.
electrical hook-up
- Contact CMP directly, Customer Relations Center at 1-800-750-4000
An informational packet will be mailed to you. Included in this packet is an 1190 form. The upper portion of the 1190 form should be completed using the CMP provided notification number.
Contact the Planning Board Chairman for approval, telephone number is provided on the Electrical Installation Form.
The completed forms (1190 and the Electrical Installation Form) may be dropped off at the Town Office.
Once approved, the town office will fax the 1190 form to CMP.