Canaan, Maine

Monday, February 24, 2025, 6pm - Select Board Meeting at Canaan Town Office
See full schedule here

Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6:00pm - Planning Board Meeting at Canaan Town Office

The Canaan Maine Fire Department is Actively Seeking Volunteers

Dog Licenses


As required by Maine State law, every dog over 6 months of age shall be licensed by its owner in the Town/City where the dog resides within 10 days of ownership. Licenses are valid until December 31st of each year. Please bring a certificate of spay/neutering (if applicable), and a current rabies certificate. The fee for spayed/neutered dogs is $6.00 per year, and for unaltered dogs the fee is $11.00 per year. 

Dog licenses can be purchased at the Town Office during regular office hours, by telephone with a credit card OR online!
  • If you have just moved to Canaan and your dog(s) is previously registered at another Maine town please bring your dog license and we can transfer the license and issue you a Canaan municipal tag for $2.00.
  • You may also register or re-register your dog online. 
This service is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week from October 15 to January 31st at
All you need is:
·         Credit card
·         Rabies Certificate
·         Veterinarian’s Information
·         License/Tag Number (if renewal)
·         Spay or Neuter Certificate (if your dog has been altered)
Your kennel must be inspected by our animal control officer (listed under Town Officers) prior to registration and annually inspected thereafter. 
  $42.00 Registration fee for no more than 10 dogs (you must purchase a 2nd license if you have more than 10 dogs). Kennel licenses expire December 31st each year

Breeding kennel: "Breeding kennel" means a location where 5 or more adult female dogs or cats capable of breeding are kept and some or all of the offspring are offered for sale, sold or exchanged for value or a location where more than 16 dogs or cats raised on the premises are sold to the public in a 12-month period.

"Breeding kennel" does not include a kennel licensed by a municipality under section 3923-C when the dogs are kept primarily for hunting, show, training, sledding, competition, field trials or exhibition purposes and not more than 16 dogs are offered for sale, sold or exchanged for value within a 12-month period.

Town Office Hours

Mon 7am-5pm

Tue 7am-5pm

Wed 8am-6pm

Thu 7am-5pm


Holiday Closings

Important Phone Numbers

Town Office
(207) 474-8976
(207) 612-2037 (fax)


Town Clerk
(207) 474-8682


Real Estate Tax Collector

(207) 474-8976


Code Enforcement Officer

(207) 431-1922


Animal Control Officer

(207) 399-8135


Public Library
(207) 474-2149


Post Office
(207) 474-3349


Road Commissioner

Mike Robinson Jr

(207) 399-9809


Town Garage

(207) 474-6174


General Welfare


(207) 474-8682 or (207) 474-8976

(508) 545-3132 please use only for emergency purposes