Monday, December 2, 2024, 6pm - Select Board Meeting at Canaan Town Office
See full schedule here
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 6:00pm - Planning Board Meeting at Canaan Town Office
The Canaan Maine Fire Department is Actively Seeking Volunteers
Chairman Paula Robinson 474-5754
Secretary: Makayla Robinson
Jeffrey Clarke (resigned as of 03/25/2024)
Donald Decker
Karen Clark
KVCOG Official Representative: Donald Decker KVCOG Member: Megan Smith
First Park Representative: Jeffrey Clarke Alternate First Park Representative: Paula Robinson
You can obtain a copy of any of the following ordinances by contacting members of the Canaan Planning Board or the Town Office.
Keep the following in mind when reviewing or taking action related to a given town ordinance:
These ordinances require permits.
These ordinances require no permits.
Click here to access a copy of the town's Comprehensive Plan.